We provide our experience to create software suitable for different applications, creating interfaces, including customized ones, with a simple and intuitive design.

The Polispec line of instruments is extremely versatile because it is equipped with software systems designed by us that allow us to make these devices technologically performing and customized to the specific characteristics of each customer’s business, both for portable and on-line use. The versatility of the range is also noticeable in the industrial sector thanks to the integration of our software modules into plant management systems.
It is our main software for the hand held use of Polispec instruments.
This is a software that allows the management and processing of spectra saved in SP3 (or CSV) format.
It is the main software for the use of instuments on processes (industrial plants or machines) where continuous product analysis is required.
This software allows the preparation of chemometric models and can manage some options such as file protection through encrypting, expiration date of the models, standardizations and more.

It is our main software for portable use of Polispec tools and offers an interface designed for use on both tablets and desktops. It is available in several languages and with two prediction engines, Sensologic and UCal. Its basic features are:
– quantitative / qualitative chemometric analysis: by choosing a chemometric model it is possible to analyze a product with different sampling methods (single swipe on the product, multiple swipe, multi-point). The results of the analysis are instantly visible, they can be exported in various formats (DAT, CSV / XML … compatible with different formulation software) and saved in an archive
– analysis archive: allows you to keep and consult the data generated and saved, to print reports and to compare analyzes on the same type of product
– acquisition of spectra: allows you to save the acquired spectra to create a dataset, with export formats such as SP3 (proprietary binary software), DAT and CPF
– instrument diagnostics: contains two functionalities for instrument diagnostics,
→ Check cell, a guided procedure that allows the user to verify the correct spectral calibration of the instrument
→ Diagnostic Tool, a guided procedure that allows you to check the operation of the main components of the instrument (buttons, fans, internal electronics)

It is a software that is used to import spectra saved in SP3 (or CSV) format and to process them. In its free version, it is used to query SP3 files and to convert them into CSV format to be used with common spreadsheets.
In the licensed version additional features are available:
– the renaming of samples
– the creation of an average of the samples with the same name
– exporting in different formats (CSV, CSV for Matlab or Octave, DAT, CPF … )
The analysis functionality is also available for this software (it requires a specific licence): the selected spectra can be predicted using a chemometric model; the analyses can be exported in CSV format or copied directly into a spreadsheet and it is also possible to choose whether or not to display the statistical parameters relating to the analyses of each constituent. Finally, the dataset functionality is also available (it requires a specific licence): By adding to a file containing spectra, SP3 or CSV, the relative analyses (copy from the spreadsheet or imported directly from the CSV file itself), it is possible to create a dataset file and export it in DAT or CPF * (* Sensologic) format.

It is the main software for the use of tools on processes (industrial systems or machines) in which continuous analysis of the product is required. It is modular software that can be configured or expanded (with the custom development of new modules) to suit specific needs.
The main reference modules are:
GPS Module which is used to acquire NMEA data from GPS antennas with serial connection and to use the received position to geo-reference the analyses
Datalogger module used to save the analyses in a file in CSV or KML (Keyhole Markup Language) formats
ISObus module used to manage the analyses through an application on the Virtual Terminal; the acquired data are saved by the task controller of the device, they can be exported in ISO-XML format to be used by the main analysis and mapping platforms. From the VT (Virtual Terminal) interface it is possible to completely control the process: selection of the product under analysis (chemometric model to be used), displaying of the instant and average analysis (of the process), receipt of notifications and alarms on any problems
PLC module used to control the measurement process via PLC using two different protocols: “Modbus over TCP/IP and ISO over TCP/IP (Siemens S7). The measurement process reports the analysis values and the system status on registers that can be configured during the installation phase.
È il software per l’analisi del prodotto direttamente da una macchina. Può essere utilizzato da un pannello operatore (permette l’uso in macchina e portatile) o integrato nella macchina utilizzando una connessione CAN.
Se usato manualmente, permette di definire le caratteristiche precise del prodotto, se integrato nella macchina tali informazioni vengono inviate direttamente dalla connessione.
Tutti i valori salvati vengono esportati in un file binario importabile nel software TMR Manager che permette l’archiviazione e la consultazione dei dati e il loro confronto nel tempo. Se è disponibile una connessione internet (modem o WiFi) l’esportazione e l’importazione possono essere completamente automatizzate.

.CMM (Chemometric Model Manager)
This software allows to prepare the chemometric models to be used with the analysis software (poliDATA and poliPROCESS) and is licensed through a certificate.
An exclusive of this software is the possibility of using a method for “global standardisation”, that is in particular an algorithm, developed by ITPhotonics, to replicate use of the same calibration model on multiple instruments without the need to adapt the calibration curve itself or the instrument.
The certificate therefore allows you to prepare models for a defined set of instruments, to be able to set a any expiration date and to use the global standardization mode.